Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jim Cardoza

Thank you !!

Glenn Greenwald Shows Record (2022 -- ):

Dec. 22 – Ep. 9 -- New CIA/JFK Revelations, The Latest from Brazil, & Answering Your Qs


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Good but why ever mention a war-whore grifter village idiot, Glenn Beck?

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If what is said objectively rings true, who said is in incidental. If not, who said does carry substantial weight. That said, I agreed with Beck's premise in this article but was not able to watch the video (which seems restricted to Facebook members). Did he say something in that video to reveal his identity as a war-whore grifter village idiot or was that just his status coming in? Thanks very much for subscribing, Boris. You are willing to say what others only think. Your participation is valuable and appreciated.

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Thank you. Beck has a 30+ years of record.... it speaks volumes - imbecilic ignorant grifter - endlessly exploring how to make money - a clown character one finds seemingly only in US.

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